This is the Risk Assessment for the location that will be used on set. Usually, when making such documents, the risks are assessed and dated before going to the location, and are then re-assessed and dated when on set, just in case anything else needs to be added to the list.
A short sci-fi/thriller film about an anti-hero with teleportation powers who finds himself temporarily trapped in an interrogation.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Cinematography references
This is one referenced clip that has influenced the cinematography of the film 'Apportation'; the way the camera is held, the types of shots achieved, lighting etc...
There are several props that will need to be acquired for filming, including a table and chairs. These however will not be easy to transport to the location, and will need to be either accessible near or in the filming location.
Other props include fake knives, prop pistols, a sack (pillow case), handcuffs and key, playing cards and a locket.
The weapons were difficult to acquire due to availability, but alternative possibilities included:
* Holster with plastic knife
* Retractable blade - fake knife
Due to the contacts that one of the actors had, we were also able to acquire several prop guns and a rubber knife. It was important to find the safest option possible, and to ensure that there was someone on set who was trained in using them and was able to instruct others.
For the locket, it was decided that it would need to be large enough to be noticed, but not too expensive for monetary reasons and the fact that the context would require the prop to be altered visually. This was the one that was brought:
* Ebay Locket
Other props include fake knives, prop pistols, a sack (pillow case), handcuffs and key, playing cards and a locket.
The weapons were difficult to acquire due to availability, but alternative possibilities included:
* Holster with plastic knife
* Retractable blade - fake knife
Due to the contacts that one of the actors had, we were also able to acquire several prop guns and a rubber knife. It was important to find the safest option possible, and to ensure that there was someone on set who was trained in using them and was able to instruct others.
* Ebay Locket
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Teleportation Test 2
Second test of teleportation and exploding guard sequence using Adobe After Effects.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
The Completed Script
Elliot Bell
Co-writen by Emily White and Vicky Charles
Black screen. MUFFLED sounds echoing. GUARD 1 and GUARD 2 are sitting around a small table playing cards.
Do you think he knows?
Looks pretty out of it to me.
SAM CARPENTER walks in, wearing a black suit and a black fedora which hides her face.
Never be fooled by appearances boys. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
The guards stop when they see Sam and stand up from their seats to face her.
Anything to report?
No Boss. He hasn’t said anything; just sat there staring at the floor.
Sam places her hat on a spare chair and removes her jacket and hangs it on the back of the chair. Sam walks over to PAUL who is wearing a shirt and trousers, his shirt is slightly open, a open locket showing a image of a girl. The locket’s glass is shattered and has dried blood on it.First person perspective. Flickering lights as a hood is removed to reveal PAUL CARPENTER handcuffed to a chair. His eyes strain in the light and he tries to focus. Sam looks indifferent and stands at a distance, gazing away rather than making eye contact with PAUL.
I presume you know why you have been brought here, sweetie?
How about we stop wasting each others time?
Sam gestures for GUARD 1 to punch PAUL. As his fist meets his face the skin beneath cracks like porcelain, glowing fiercely before fading and returning to normal. GUARD 2 steps backwards and raises his gun.
(whispers) What the hell?
(shouting out to the world, melodramatically)
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you: Paul Carpenter. The indestructible.
(to PAUL)
We could do this all day, or you could give me what I want?
Where is the weapon?
(pauses, and then says teasingly)
Go on, you know you want to tell me, go on... before I get bored. And we both know what that means.
Sam smiles knowingly at Paul over her shoulder as she turns and paces over to Guard 2. teasingly playing with guard 2’s tie when she pulls out small knife and stabs the guard in the lower back collapsing him to his hands and knees, then slowly pulls the knife back out.
(Whaling in pain)
Oh dear. Such a shame that I knew
he was working for you.
Sam grabs the guard by his head and places the knife near his throat and pulls slowly letting the guard choke on his on blood. Guard 3 is waiting outside and comes in to check everything is OK.
Everything ok boss?
Sam throws the knife on to the floor.
It’s fine!
Sam puts her hands in a praying position, tapping her fingers together.
Oh how tiresome it is when one is kept waiting.
I would have thought you’d learned that lesson by now.
Where is the weapon?
Are you really sure you want to play this game?
Sam punches PAUL, his jaw cracking slightly upon contact as his face shatters and glows, and then returns to its usual complexion. PAUL smirks as he cracks his neck from side to side.
You really do make things difficult don’t you?
GUARD 1 backs away slowly, the tension in the air rising as Sam pulls a gun out from the back of her trousers, pressing it between PAULS’ eyebrows.
I suggest a different strategy... I ask you: ’where is she?’, and you say...
Sam grabs the locket from Paul’s neck as a tear begins to run down her face as if she is desperate to find the little girl. She cocks the gun and presses her finger to the trigger as PAUL lifts his hands from behind his back where they were once restrained. Sam immediately fires the gun, but in mid trigger PAUL teleports it to the back of Sam’s knee. The noise echoes around the warehouse, and Sam looks down in dismay at her bloodied kneecap.
(breathless, slight high pitch noise)
Oh man! That looks like it hurts! Does it?
Sam falls to her supporting knee.
You seem stuck for words; here let me help you up.
Sam clutches her knee, trying to stem the bleeding as she staggers away slowly. PAUL gives her an apologetic look, and then approaches the injured woman. PAUL grabs Sam’s neck and teleports them both across the warehouse, slamming Sam into the wall, whose hands are now trying to pry PAUL’S away from her throat. Paul teleports to the chair and kicks it towards her and picks her up and slams her on the chair, then teleports to the knife on the floor and slams it in between her legs on the chair.
(whispers in her ear)
I’m saving you till last.
Guard 3 runs in and is confronted by PAUL. PAUL teleports the knife and throws it at GUARD 3, but as he does he teleports the knife towards him impaling him. Guard 3 begins to pry the knife from his body while Paul moves on to his next victim.
GUARD 1 is lifting his weapon. As he does PAUL teleports towards him, tripping GUARD 1 over and grabbing him by the scruff of the neck. PAUL pushes him straight to the ground, a glowing trail follows as the force builds with speed. GUARD 1 is teleported to the other side of the warehouse and comes sliding across the floor. PAUL teleports to his position, and, upon touching GUARD 1, teleports him inside of GUARD 3. Instantaneously GUARD 1 and GUARD 3 explodes into a bloody mess, smeared all over that corner of the warehouse.
Paul strolls up towards Sam uncontrollably warping and cracking.
A casting call was sent out via the website StarNow. Approximately 17 people applied for several roles, and, after the application time ended, the auditions were arranged and booked.
Messages were sent out to all applicants regarding the date, place and time to ensure that everyone was available. However, mostly due to the bad weather that raged across Britain at the time, several people dropped out and sent their apologies before the auditions took place.
Three people turned up to the auditions, and, although three out of seventeen was not quite the number hoped for, all interviews went well.
Each audition included:
Messages were sent out to all applicants regarding the date, place and time to ensure that everyone was available. However, mostly due to the bad weather that raged across Britain at the time, several people dropped out and sent their apologies before the auditions took place.
Three people turned up to the auditions, and, although three out of seventeen was not quite the number hoped for, all interviews went well.
Each audition included:
- A general discussion of the applicants background
- Reasons for applying
- Explanation of the synopsis for the film
- Read through of the script
- Discussion of roles
- Screen test
After the auditions took place, the roles were given accordingly and messages were sent out via email to those who were successful, and further information was given concerning possible dates for filming.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Editing Test
The first attempt at creating a teleportation effect using Adobe After Effects. There will be several heavily layered sequences throughout the film, as the effect will not only be used to teleport objects, but people too.
You can watch it here:
You can watch it here:
The script has now been completed! Written originally by Elliot Bell, and extended by Emily White and Vicky Charles.

Saturday, 8 March 2014
'They say an army marches on its stomach, and if that's true for armies it's just as true for film sets' -, and the general thought of food, although seemingly the last thought on one's mind when making a film, (getting caught up in all the equipment, locations, casting etc), is a crucial part of the film-making process. When on set, it is vital that the members of the crew take care of the cast and each other, both emotionally and physically.
'The tip here is to keep your people happy so that they enjoy working' - is good practise to ensure that everyone's needs are catered for. Dietry requirements, disabilities, allergies, so on and so forth. Whether or not money is available to cover the cost of food it is important to realise that there are many ways and means of providing ample enough for everyone.
As this project is about being as green and as environmentally friendly as possible, it was important to look into ways of conserving energy and preventing waste.
These are the final catering arrangements for on set:
- All plates, cups and utensils are to be borrowed from the local GirlGuide unit.
- Food is to be stored in resuable containers - no clingfilm or foil to save waste.
- Food to be stored in cool boxes to save electricity.
- All food to be locally sourced and purchased from within a 5 mile radius.
- Large flasks for hot drinks.
- Any packaging used to be recycled.
- Left over food to be consumed later.
- All utensils to be washed up using environmentally friendly washing up liquid.
- Drinks:
- Fair Trade/Organic Tea and Coffee
- Milk from local farm
- Fair Trade Sugar
- Chilled tap water with organic lemon slices
- Snacks:
- Home-made fruit cake
- Home-made Organic biscuits
- Drinks – As above plus fair trade Orange and Apple Juice in recyclable cartons
- Lunch
- A selection of wraps/sandwiches (bread from local baker) with locally sourced ham and cheese, plus MCS certified Tuna.
- Coleslaw made with spring greens, carrots and onions all grown locally plus organic mayonnaise.
- Tomatoes and cucumber
- Locally sourced apples
- Fair trade, organic bananas
- Home-made fresh cream sponge cake - made with free range eggs and sugar, plus organic flour and locally sourced butter
- Home-made flap jacks made with organic oats

Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Locations are vital when it comes to film-making as they help create the mood and atmosphere within a film. A 'location' or 'setting' is described as the context and environment in which a situation
is set, and allows the viewer to visualize what is going on and also create a better relationship with the characters.
So far, we have come across several possible locations:
1) Disused Dairy Farm near Checkley
2) Birmingham Film Studios
A storage/set building area underneath Birmingham Film studios.

This is the disused part of the school building which was once used as an assembly hall and other classrooms. Due to neglect over time, the room has come down, the floor come up and the windows shattered. Health and safety wise it is unstable and unsafe.

4) George W Hughes - Pen Makers - Birmingham

An old pen making factory in Birmingham, abandoned and disused. There are no websites to be found to ascertain permission for entering or filming. However, information about the location can be found here:
5) Walsall Evangelical Church - Old Territorial Army Base Hangar
For the film we envisioned a disused warehouse, dark to suit the atmosphere, as the entire film takes place in one room. All the above have some of the qualities we need, but the final location will be chosen through process of elimination.
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